Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Best Open Source PHP Web Development Platforms []

Best Open Source PHP Web Development Platforms []

Question by : What is the best web development platform for an advanced (but outdated) web developer? I have 9 years of web development experience, but my skills are becoming very dated. I've created many successful sites, but I *know* there is an easier way to program without spending countless hours recoding the wheel for each new site I create. I use Dreamweaver, but mainly just an FTP/site manager -- I write all my own code from scratch. I know HTML, CSS, classic ASP, a little javascript (mainly copy-n-paste), and I have a passing familiarity with XML. I never did learn or another object-oriented programming environment... I'm guessing that's my next step. But there is so much out there now. Ruby on Rails, Google Web Toolkit, Perl, PHP, I need to settle on one that will compliment my background and be easy for me to pick up. The time I have to program is shrinking, so I'm looking for something that allows me to focus more on design than mundane tasks like creating and validating web forms. And how should I go about learning this platform? Any advice is appreciated. Best answer for What is the best web development platform for an advanced (but outdated) web developer?:

Answer by two pi
Your hand-coding skills will serve you well. It's true that web development has moved drastically in the last few years, but honestly, you'll be fine. I'd recommend you learn a content management system or two. These are usually written in PHP and MySQL, but you don't really need to know much about the underlying technology. Drupal and Joomla are the most commonly recommended CMS systems. Both are free, and both can be run on any web server with PHP and MySQL access (which is virtually any commercial host) Drupal and Joomla are both powerful, but they can be hard to get your head around. You might want to start with something simpler like website baker. It's very suitable for small businesses, and not that difficult to write custom themes for. I would recommend you learn XHTML strict, validate your pages, and stop doing table-based layouts (if you are still doing it that way) CSS-based layout is here to stay. Even if HTML 5 replaces XHTML, the habits you learn by following the XHTML strict standards will be well worth the effort. JavaScript and PHP definitely have their places, but they don't need to be the center of your work just yet. I'd concentrate on the ability to create interactive sites with a CMS, because that's what most of your customers will want.

[best web development platforms]

Speakers: Brian LeRoux, Nitobi Description: PhoneGap is an open source, cross-platform tool for writing a single code that runs on multiple mobile platforms using just HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. It is not a full OS toolkit and does not provide GUI widgets or high-level features. It's simply a common API and set of build tools that give you uniform access to the browser and device services. JavaScript fans won't want to miss this brisk walk-through of Nitobi's popular PhoneGap project courtesy of lead architect Brian Leroux, creator of XUI and Lawnchair. Get tips on developing effective mobile web apps and learn how you can use your web programming skills to bridge mobile platform gaps. Cross-Platform Web Development with PhoneGap


PHP is one of the most robust programming languages available for web and application development. PHP allows developers to create highly feature rich websites in very less time as compared to other programming languages. The huge popularity of PHP as a scripting language has encouraged the web development community to come with various open source web development platforms. There are numerous platforms available today for web development with each having specialties of its own.

A brief description of best 3 open source web development platforms is mentioned below:

WordPress: WordPress is one of the most widely used open source platform for web development.

The most critical factor for the popularity of WordPress is its ease of use. WordPress provides highly user friendly development tools. Even the users with very little technical knowledge can easily develop simple websites on it. Moreover, PHP developers can add as much functionality as they want. WordPress allows extensive customization and a skilled developer can derive great results from it. There are several WordPress plugins available which can easily extend the functionalities of the website. The admin of the website can easily manage the content as well as the look and feel of the website. As most websites require constant changes therefore WordPress is most suitable for them as it provides one of the most user friendly content management systems. This platform is best suitable for simple websites, blogs, and individual’s websites.

Joomla: Joomla is another great open source platform which allows developers to create highly functional and secure websites.

PHP developers can create highly robust solutions for simple as well as complex requirements. It allows quick development environment thus saves time and money spent over resources. Joomla is also a content management system which allows the admin to make changes to the content of the website. The Joomla community is very large and strong thus it provides a very strong support to this platform. There are more than 4000 extensions available for Joomla which allow developers to add almost any functionality to websites developed on Joomla. The PHP developers in India are more comfortable and willing to work on Joomla than on any other open source web development platform.

Drupal: Drupal is one of the most widely used platform for developing highly complex websites. It is mostly used for developing dynamic websites for various different sectors such as education, ecommerce, event management, health care, marriage portals, job portals etc. Apart from speedy delivery it also provides extensive functionalities. Drupal also has a very strong and faithful online community which makes sure that new add-ons and templates are always available to PHP developers. Drupal allows the developers to extract most out of PHP as a scripting language. Drupal is also a content management system and with some technical knowledge, admin can change the content and look & feel of the website.

All the above three Open Source Web Development platforms are widely popular for their distinct characteristics. Business owners and individuals must consult an IT consultancy before deciding the correct development methodology for their projects.

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