Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Why Not Freelance Your Web Development Needs []

Why Not Freelance Your Web Development Needs []

So, TheeDesign Studio's team of web designers in Raleigh built a new website for them in WordPress. WordPress' wide selection of powerful tools for managing a blog and an online store were just what Rival Skateboarding needed. Some of these features ... Raleigh Web Design Studio Helps Realize Skateboarder's Dream - Is a degree needed to become a web designer? I answer this question in this video. Web Design Degree, Is It Neccessary?

Every company needs a good website for promoting their products and services. A good website is a website that is readable for all viewers, easy to navigate through the web pages, contains precise contents and information, pictures or images of products, attractive to look so that it stands out among several websites providing the same services which generally depends upon the numbers views by customers and a good website invariably tends to attract more customers, the back end of the website containing executable codes should coordinate and work efficiently and quickly. In today's world it is virtually impossible for businesses to grow without website and in fact it might go stagnant considering the heavy competition providing similar services in the market. Thus every businessman understands the need for websites for developing his business. In fact websites are one of the biggest marketing tools today.

Every businessman need not be aware of the logistics and technicalities involved in website development. But he needs to understand precisely the business requirements through the particular website. He has to define the requirements to the developer in a clear manner for better output. Most developers create a blue print of the website before developing it literally and consult with the clients, which is very useful in terms of saving time and cost and simultaneously developing a good quality website. However, before you choose to do so, do not assign the task to freelancers. Always approach a professional web development company for your website.

5 reasons for not to freelance your website development needs:

*Freelance developers are independent and thus charge cheaper for the same task which brings down the market value of website creation. Development companies close down as freelancers are a threat to them and the country loses trade and commerce flowing through web development and thus business developments all around are hindered. Besides there is no guarantee that freelance can provide good quality websites whereas the development companies are experienced in the field.
*Freelancers work for extra income and try to avoid paying taxes. Country loses its tax income.
*Freelancers do not take the responsibility for your websites. They work for income and not for reputation. Thus if your website fails to seek what you look out for, you are totally held responsible. Your services are hindered and your clients might develop a bad impression upon you and you are most likely to lose clients and customers.
*Freelancers are not experienced developers and thus they end up charging cheap rates. Invariably the quality of the end product gets affected. Web development companies on the other hand have loads of experience in the same matter
*Web development companies hires good developers and creates a unit of development team. Certain developers work aside as freelancers for earning extra income and ends up being dishonest to his company. This leads to morality issues and you also end up under the same category when you assign the work to freelancers. Related Why Not Freelance Your Web Development Needs Articles

Question by LostInThoughts: how much maths is needed in web development? well i am very bad with mathematics specially higher mathematics.. do you think i will be able to survive in web development ..?? also is there any other field in computer science where not much mathematics is required? Best answer for how much maths is needed in web development?:

Answer by Professor Lee, PhD, MD, JD, KBE
math itself is not required, but the logical thought processes that are required are similar to those that you need to be good at math. in short: you won't be good at computer science if you are not good at math, even though there is no math involved. web development is different. you can be a good web designer without being good at math.

Answer by Black Fire
computer science is mathmatics all round really but web dev really doesnt require math. it requires coding knowelege so having an understanding of DOMS and how browsers interpret code is as important as the code itself. if you want to do a web specialised degree there a hundreds but computer science (heavy math) and electrical engineering (heavier math) are the highest rated in the computer industry.

[web development needed]

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