Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Popular Frameworks In Php [webdevelopment4articles.blogspot.com]

Popular Frameworks In Php [webdevelopment4articles.blogspot.com]

Sinatra is a small Ruby web application framework that packs a big punch. It's also a lot of fun! You can use Sinatra to write tiny, focused web applications and lightweight REST services very quickly. And sometimes a lean and mean web app is all you need. If you haven't given Sinatra a look, now's a great time to get a fresh perspective on web development. Learn how to get the most out of Sinatra from Adam Keys, an experienced Ruby and Sinatra developer. After watching these video tutorials, you'll know everything you need to write, test, and deploy your own Sinatra applications. All the information is distilled down and indexed for you, so you can get right to the good stuff. These screencasts are the most up-to-date way to learn Sinatra from an expert. The example applications are based on the latest and greatest major release of Sinatra (

http://thegreatcurve.com Classy Web Development with Sinatra with Adam Keys

Open source content management system is the best framework to create a website. There are many tools within ... Drupal and Joomla are the two most important tools which have made numerous websites which are live on the web. These tools have ... The ... Drupal Web Development- An Efficient CMS For Creating Websites

PHP is a popular programming language. It is exceptionally handy for making web applications and frameworks. Often referred to as the mostly used programming language in web 2.0 scenario, PHP has an easy learning curve, which makes it easy for the newbies to learn and apply PHP. Given below are some of the most popular frameworks in PHP:
Recess: It is a RESTful PHP framework, which offers a great programming experience for the newcomers as well as experts. If you want to employ a complete RESTful web application without having enough skills on PHP, you can try nook as it is easy to use, is light weight, fast, and moreover, it has drag and drop deployment to the shared hosts.
CakePHP: It is one of the most popular PHP frameworks in the market. It is slightly heavier than other similar frameworks such as Kohana and CodeIgniter. It comes with a host of advantages. It is encompassed with a detailed documentation to make it easy to understand and easy to use.
VorkL: This is an easy to use PHP framework, which can cup down all negative qualities of a framework. These tools leave you with benefits so that the new programmers can use this framework without any sound technical knowledge and experience.
The Simple PHP: This framework allows you to build websites with PHP 5. This framework is ideal to bring web projects to life easily and quickly. This framework is suitable for freelancers and web designers.
Zend Framework: This framework is extending the spirit of PHP. It guarantees corporate friendly licensing, object-oriented practices, simplicity, and tested agile codebase. This framework is exceptionally handy to make reliable and secure Web 2.0 applications. Supported by APIs from Amazon, Google, Flickr, and Yahoo, this framework is a must-have tool for PHP developers.
Fat-Free Framework: You can access the flexible cache, automatic spam protection, integrated unit testing tools, template engine, and code profiler of the framework easily. This framework is lightweight and fast, and comes with a bandwidth throttle to control the traffic of web server. Fat Free is the only PHP framework, which gives you full-proof protection from Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks and bandwidth theft.
The Akelos Framework: This PHP framework is a web application development platform, which is based on Model View Controller or MVC. It helps the developers build multilingual database-backed applications by writing lesser codes.
Konstrukt: This is a light weight PHP framework. This framework comes with a wider set of features such as Nested controllers, URI-to-controller-mapping and many more.
CodeIgniter: This is a powerful and open-source PHP framework, which helps programmers to write codes efficiently and rapidly. It also comes with a light footprint, which reduces servers pressure to a greater extent.
For more information on PHP Framework and free quote for your requirements, visit http://www.evontech.com/php-development.html.
Recommend Popular Frameworks In Php Articles

Question by inkindulgence: Self taught programmers, how did you learn? Ok so I have been teaching myself programming for about a year now (throughout the years I always played around with it as a hobby, but only very seriously for the last 12 months), and I feel really good about a how much I've learned. I've bought countless books, took many online courses for free and have done most if not all of the free courseware that stanford and mit offers online for computer science. Obviously after only a year I'm no expert, but I am very comfortable with most of the popular languages, and also know html, css, some sql and some vbscript. I think about all of that and I go "yeah, I rock! I know a lot!" And then I look on a job site just to get an idea of what employers are looking for in their software developers as far as qualifications, and I'll search something simple like, "Java jobs, Oklahoma" (java is my favorite lang) and all of the ads that pop up, have all of these things that I have absolutely no clue what they are, and my ego collapses. And I don't even think they are things that you can just search google for a tutorial of. No two's qualifications are alike. Here is a example of an ad I am talking about, and I have put the things I don't recognize whatsoever in quotes: Web GUI design & development utilizing JSP, HTML, ""Dojo"" Web service development experience with ""JAX-WS"" standard. Preferably ""CXF framework."" ""Spring Framework/Spring-MVC"" ""RAD 7, WAS/d"" **I know what the definition of rapid application development is, but 7? Basic DB2 skills JAVA/J2EE, ""Hibernate and JPA"" Will develop program code, test and assist with system testing So my question is, for the programmers out there who are self taught, when you got your first job, did you know everything in my examples and more already, or are there some things that you learn on the job? Or am I just way more at the beginning of the ladder than I think? Thanks and be as harsh as you want, I just need some damn guidance, nice or not. Best answer for Self taught programmers, how did you learn?:

Answer by thebig_a_27
It's good that your are learning on your own, and if you are enjoying it then you might have a fun and rewarding career in front of you. However, very few businesses have any interest in a self taught programmer. The only exception may be a self taught programmer with many years of professional experience. Catch 22. Your best option is to channel this interest into some form of higher education, even if it's night school at a community college. Much of what you will do on the computers there will be boring or stuff you already know, but you will learn many important things that go along with the actual programming that businesses will expect you to know, and you'll get a piece of paper that shows you know that stuff.

Answer by zamorak
]1) You are only as good as you think you are 2) Try googling 'projects in programming', or 'programming projects' or other such similar terms 3) Start small 4) Sign up for an internship

Answer by Germann A
Most of the programmers will be at least 50% self taught because one tend to learn all the time and does not have enough time to take courses for all subjects. Most of the terms that you quoted can be found on Google, RAD 7 and WAS are IBM development tool (Rapid Application Developer v7) and server (WebSphere Application Server).

Answer by hemppy
`hi inkindul, congradulations on what you have learned so far not just anyone can begin to learn and conquer it but let's just reflect even though you learned a lot there is always more to learn i began to go over what you have studied and i have heard of some of what you named and studied a lot of them but i wanted to stick to computer repair and believe me when i say i have learned a lot about that concept and i am getting ready to build my own computer, i have the parts picked out as a matter of fact. i am too old to go to school but computers were not as big as they are now so that is why i didn't go to school to learn. but i too am self taught and i am better and keeping my computer well maintained so this is what i recommend and i know that you jhave already guess what i am going to say but to really go places you have to have the degree. but what you have leanred so far will help you get further ahead in your classes even if you finished high school and have kids go back to school and impress your instructors then they will advance you into a deeper study and maybe even question some of your ideas. good luck hope i was helpful to you

Answer by Hero
I use videos to learn programming

[most popular web development framework]

2 komentar:

  1. There are so many PHP frameworks but being a PHP developer I always prefer Laravel. This is the best framework for web development. And of course, the rest depends upon the project needs and requirements.
    Hire Laravel Developer for your business at affordable price.

